“The film is made in the editing room.”

Preserving the memories you never want to forget is about more than just capturing footage, it’s about telling an incredible story. Each one of our editors has been trained to weave together a story arc out of Voast footage. If you’ve ever tried video editing yourself, you know just how much of a challenge this can be. Leave it to us to get you timely video edits that artfully convey the best of what your Voast collection has to offer.

Voast offers two editing packages to accompany our video booth: The "STORY” Edit and The “PRO” Edit.


The Story edit is for those of you who are excited about getting voasts from all your people but are dreading having to figure out what to do with them. The Story Edit takes all your footage and strikes the perfect balance between showing a little bit of everyone and highlighting all the best bits in about a 3 minute video. Our video editors start on this work as soon as your event is confirmed complete, and thus, are able to deliver your Story Edit within 30 days.

And best of all…it’s already included in all the Voast packages so you don’t have to pay extra.


The PRO Edit is for those of you who already have a specific vision for what you want your Voast collection to look like and need a dedicated editor to pull it all together for you. This option provides you up with up to 20 hours of a senior Voast editor’s time during which you can interact directly with them to craft whatever vision you may have for your Voast edit. This may look like integration of your custom graphics and branding or use of a particular soundtrack you’d prefer.

This option includes unlimited edits within the 20 hour allotment of time.

What will you create?

Regardless of the editing service you choose, you will be given all the raw clips as well!


It’s in our best interest to ensure that you get amazing edits. As talented as they are, our editors can’t always tell which clips will end up being most important to you. That being said if you have changes you’d like to make to the edits we’ve done for you, please let us know. We’ll do our best to accommodate your requests quickly and if they end up being more involved we’ll be happy to provide you access to Voast’s editing services on a contractual basis.


Check out our FAQ page for more information on our editing process.