How to: Ask your wedding guests for advice

Your wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime to glean love, wisdom, and authentic answers from your wedding guests. This day is dedicated to celebrating you and starting your marriage off on the right foot, so why not take the time to get some solid advice from the people who love you the most?

One of the most popular questions to ask via the Video Guest Book is “What advice do you have for us newlyweds?” In fact, we love this question so much that we include it in our recommended set of questions for every wedding.

But we also know that every wedding is unique, and you might want to personalize this question even more.

So, what are ways you can ask for good advice on your wedding day?

Couple Using Video Booth that is asking "what are your words of advice for us newlyweds?"

Why a Video Guest Book?

Your video guest book collects video from your friends and family that you can watch back later. Learn more about how it works!

Here are 20 questions you might ask your guests:

  1. What’s the secret to a happy marriage?

  2. How do you keep the romance alive in a long-term relationship?

  3. What’s one thing you wish you knew before getting married?

  4. How do you handle disagreements or conflicts?

  5. What’s the best piece of marriage advice you’ve ever received?

  6. How do you maintain a strong connection with your partner over the years?

  7. What’s your favorite way to spend time together as a couple?

  8. How do you balance personal time with couple time?

  9. What family traditions should we keep or create?

  10. What’s one thing that we should do every year on our anniversary?

  11. How do you support each other’s dreams and goals?

  12. What’s your advice for navigating tough times in a marriage?

  13. What would you tell the newlyweds to do when they’re upset with each other?

  14. What’s the key to making big decisions together?

  15. How might we show appreciation for each other daily?

  16. What’s your strategy for managing finances as a couple?

  17. How do you maintain individuality while being part of a couple?

  18. What’s your advice for keeping the spark alive after having children?

  19. How do you celebrate each other’s successes?

  20. What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in your marriage?

For more question ideas for your video booth guest book, check out 20 more questions here!


Video vs. Audio Guest Book: Which is right for your Wedding?


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